International Yoga Day: Celebrate & control what goes on inside.

What is yoga?

Yoga is a mind and body practise that many historians believe originated in India. For thousands of years, it has taught humankind to promote mental and physical well-being involving physical poses, deep breathing, and concentration. It also contributes to flexibility, balance, and posture; it builds muscle strength, increases blood flow, boosts immunity, regulates blood pressure, enhances focus, and promotes better sleep.

International Yoga Day

There are many ways of relaxation – a glass of wine, watching Netflix, or physical pursuits. But one of the best ways is practising yoga. Join us in celebrating International Yoga Day on Tuesday, 21 June 2022. Why? Because dedicating some time to the art of yoga can improve your life.

As we mentioned above, it’s not just a physical exercise; yoga can allow your body and mind to wander and drift into unknown realms that’ll provide your life with focus and your soul with calmness.

The 6 branches of yoga

Yoga can be described using 6 branches, each representing a different focus and a set of characteristics. For this blog, we’ll briefly mention them (believe us, we can go on and on about this topic, but it’s best to break this ancient tradition into bite-size chunks).

  1. Hatha yoga: The physical and mental branch that aims to prime the body and mind.
  2. Raja yoga: The meditation and strict adherence to a series of disciplinary steps – the eight limbs of yoga.
  3. Karma yoga: A path of service that aims to create a future free from negativity and selfishness.
  4. Bhakti yoga: The path of devotion, a positive way to channel emotions and cultivate acceptance and tolerance.
  5. Jnana yoga: All about wisdom, the path of the scholar, and developing the intellect through study.
  6. Tantra yoga: The pathway of ritual, ceremony, or consummation of a relationship.

If you’re a beginner, we suggest focusing on Hatha yoga, which gently introduces you to the basic poses of yoga.

Celebrate International Yoga Day with Trojan

The one thing we love about this activity is that you don’t need much… just a very comfortable Trojan Yoga Mat in your preferred colour, available at Game and Makro stores nationwide. Find your nearest store using our store locator.

We encourage you to at least try it. Regardless of age or gender, it has helped and continues to help millions of people worldwide with a guaranteed positive impact on life overall.

The other best thing about yoga is that you don’t have to be fit. You don’t have to do splits while balancing on your head (those poses are for the more extreme). You could simply start with slow, fluid movements that are safe and beneficial, even for pregnant women or those suffering various illnesses.

By now, we think that you should be ready to do your body and mind a favour. Have a look at our yoga exercise programs and yoga exercise videos to help you get started.



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