A 10-Step Guide to Building Muscle

7 Key steps to building body muscle.

Cardio is pretty popular when it comes to getting fit, right? However, when it comes to building muscle, it can be challenging. Whether you are a skinny guy or gal trying to pack on muscle, or convert your not-so-skinny body mass into muscle, it doesn’t have to be that complicated…

It’s not only about constantly returning to your home gym to drive effort-driven workouts, but it’s all about the question that trips up so many filters – how do we build muscle effectively? We’d like to think of it more as a commitment to kick ass in everything you do!

Here is a 7-step plan that’ll help you through your journey!

  1. You gotta have a plan!
    C’mon, as with almost everything in life, you need a plan to reach your current muscle goal, or else it’s doomed to fail. What are you planning – step by step? Rocking up and doing random exercises is not the way to go. Specific and consistent are now your two new favourite friends! Have a look at Muscle & Fitness’ 4-week beginner plan to build strength, hypertrophy, and lose fat or any of Trojan’s workout plans. These are just examples to get started… even good ones if we might add…
  2. Strong up yourself first.
    Unfortunately, you can’t gain muscle if you refuse to lift heavy. Weight training would be the best option as you start off light slowly start increasing the weight over time. Also, consider bodyweight training such as pushups, pull-ups, dips and chin-ups.
  3. Technique
    One thing you should never compromise on when training for muscle is technique. Working your muscles correctly without compromising your body, which could lead to injuries, is using the best technique. How do you know if your technique needs work? Well, if you cannot properly feel the muscle working that you intend to train, your technique will probably need some attention. If you’re perfecting every rep and challenging your body progressively, you will get stronger and build more muscle.
  4. Eat more protein.
    Eating more frequently will boost your metabolism. You must change your diet to add on the muscle before even begin planning your workout routine. Remember that health and fitness is 75% diet and 25% exercise.  As soon as you wake up in the morning, it would be best to take a protein shake. This way, you will get calories from the get-go, and within 20 minutes of your workout session, you should consume carbohydrates and protein.
  5. Focus on split routines.
    To make your muscles grow, you should set up a strength training routine. For instance, Monday is chest day. Wednesday could be back and shoulders. Friday can be biceps and triceps. Finally, make Sunday your leg day. By chopping up your body parts, you will allow them to heal and grow after a tough workout.
  6. Keep a training log.
    Every four to six weeks, you need to alter some part of your routine – whether it’s the number of reps you do, the amount of time you rest, the exercises you perform, or any other training variable. Keep a journal of your workouts to record your progress.
  7. Sleep – rest & recover.
    Your muscles will be growing while you are sleeping, so get your eight hours and include a nap if you can. Train no more than four times a week. As for your job, do whatever you can to avoid excess stress; chronic nervousness elevates cortisol, a hormone that makes your body store fat and burn muscle.

Keep track of your progress, get stronger, and most importantly, persist until you’ve reached your goal and keep building from there. Follow this guide, and you’ll begin to see a massive change in your physique within 6 months. See Trojan’s home fitness weights here.

‘The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides a champion from someone who is not a champion.’ –  Arnold Schwarzenegger, seven-time Mr Olympia.

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